Monday, 9 July 2012

Honoring Our Parents

(Apr 2012: Homiletics: "Textual Sermon")





There was this video showing that a married man was frustrated over his aged mother, because the mother was unable to catch up with the advancement of the technology and thus inadequate to handle the electrical appliances in their home. His mother was slow in her motion and movement too which caused some inconveniences to the family. She was too forgetful and a frequent request for repeating questions and answers irritated the son a lot.

One day the mother peed on his expensive sofa, this made him really furious that he threatened to send his mother off to old folk house. His son overheard what the father had said, and he said he would do likewise when the father got old. The mother casually mentioned about the past how she had nursed the son who peed everywhere when he was a small boy.

The man was stunk. As he started to reflect upon his old days when he was a boy and the tender care and love that he had received from his mother, how she washed his buttock and cleansed his dirty body. He was deeply ashamed of his ungratefulness towards his mother.

      Does the video sound familiar some ways to all of us? “Would you take care of me when I am old” was the question the mother asked her boy, and he happily promised that he would do so. But when the reality surfaced, he was in a dilemma and almost chose to forsake his mother.    

We might see this scenario in the movies and newspaper, or heard about it through conversations with others. Or we might see how our neighbors go through this struggle. How about you and me? We too will have to face the reality of taking care of old-aged parents.    

People used to say, “old man or woman is the treasure in a home”. With the economic changes, many do not feel that way. Instead they are burdened and overwhelmed by the demands of the old-aged parents. With an increase in living level of the society, everyone’s worth is seemed to be measured by our contribution in economy. If our parents could not produce for the family, they are more or less to be considered a burden rather than a blessing. Many lost their respect towards their parents because they could not see values in the lives of their parents. Yet the text found in Exodus 20:12 make it bluntly clear that we have to honor our parents.

Exodus 20:12 (NIV) Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.

Proposition:           It is our very responsibility as children to honor our parents.

Interrogatives sentence:     Why should we honor our parents?

Transitional sentence:   There are two reasons we have to honor our parents.


(Exodus 20:12aNIV) Honor your father and your mother,

In the days of Old Testament, Ten Commandments were given to Moses in order to maintain social justice, order and peace within the Israelite community. The first four commandments lay down men’s responsibilities towards God and the last six of the commandments demand of men’s obligations towards one another. “Honor your father and your mother” is an imperative which ranks the first priority over God’s requirement from men’s obligations towards others. There is no negotiation or discount for the statement. Before one could fulfill his civil duties towards the rest, he must first and foremost learn to honor his parents who have given birth to him and raised him up.

Ten Commandments were given so that man could live as a human before God and before others. Humanness is the very thing that God puts in us and He desires to see us demonstrating through our living and relationship with others. If a man fails to honor his parents, he violates the moral requirement from God and he is indeed inhuman.

The fifth commandment of honoring our parents applies to children of all ages, whether those we are as young as little kids, or those who have grown up as adults who are independent of our parents, or those who have entered their own old age and having parents who are dependent on us. It speaks to one year old child as well as seventy years old adult (if their parents are still alive).

Think about this statement again, “the old man or woman is the treasure in a home”. In an age which looks forwards and not backwards, children are considered to be the treasure in the family instead of old parents. Many family decisions are based on the needs of their children. Future considerations for the children are the “invisible” hands which orient the move of most families. Children dominate the decision-making of family and have unconsciously become the “little king” who rules over the household. Yet if we looked into the Bible, we see a different order in the family. The family order in the Bible starts with God, followed by the parents and then the children.

Transitional sentence:

Since honoring parents is God’s command for us, we have to simply pay them our honor for who they are and what they have done for us.  


(Ephesians 61NIV) Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.

Paul says that obeying parent is rightful thing for the children. Parents represent God and they are God’s delegated authority in family. Children adhere to their parents and they are supposed to follow the instructions of their parents. Every authority established by God on earth is meant to be revered, to be honored, to be respected and to be obeyed.

If children failed to honor their parents, they are indeed indicating their rebellion towards God, for God has instituted the family and placed their parents to be their provider, feeder, care-taker, protector, educator etc. Children learn to submit to authority when they could submit to their parents.

Parents are blessings from God. Through them we are born to this world and able to enjoy such wonderful family relationship. They have demonstrated God’s magnificent love, unlimited grace and unending mercy towards their children, and have allowed them to grow under their wings and covering. Every child needs to recognize that parenthood is God’s given role and nobody can usurp their role unless God take it away when they leave the world.

Some of the children find it hard to honor their parents because their parents have not fulfilled their parental roles in an appropriate manner. Some are abandoned since young, some are mistreated or abused by parents and some just could not feel the love from their parents. Nevertheless the fifth commandment does not lay down qualification for a parent to be honored. They are not honored because they have performed well, and they are not honored because they are rich, or because they are wise. They are honored simply for who they are, as God’s gift to their children.

The Chinese translation of the word “honor” is very unique. It comprises of two Chinese words, which is “filial” and “submit”. It has expressed vividly how we should honor our parents. When they are strong and able, we need to submit to them. When they are old and weak, we need to be filial to them. Above all else, we need to love them with sincerity.

Honor them when we are young, when we have to rely on them for everything, i.e. food, money, warmth, care, love etc. Honor them when we grow up and learn to be independent, learn to respect their views and their opinions given to us even we might think that we grow stronger and become more successful than them. Honor them when they grow old, when they are unable to provide for us, when they are unable to care even for themselves. Love them and care for their dignity.

They are precious in God’s sight not because they are capable and strong, but because of whom they are before God. They too should be precious and valuable to us, not because they contribute to other lives, but because of whom they are, someone dear to us and someone near to us. We honor them for who they are, created in the image of God and priceless treasure in our home.

Transitional sentence:

Parents are given by God to be our guardians, and they have sacrificed much for us. Therefore, 


(Deuteronomy 6: 7NIV) Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

In the house of Israelites, parents function as more than a provider and a protector for the children. They are the leaders for their children and they are their initial teachers too. They couch their children in the way of the Lord. They have to make the teaching a life style so that they can impress their children with the living Word of God. They guide their children the way of life so that they will not deviate from the path of righteousness.

To Israelites, the parents are greatly honored when they are old. In the community of Israel, we see that elders were highly respected. They are regarded as group of people who possess wisdom and life experiences where the younger generations could draw from. Unlike our society where many of the children see their parents as outdated, marginalized in the progress of advancement.

We have to know that in every stage of our lives our parents have different function and roles to play. When we are children, we depend on them most of the times. We need them to feed us, to clothe us, to instruct us, to discern for us and to make decisions for us. We learn what is right and what is wrong from the measurement of our parents. We trust our lives unto their hands. They are the heroes and they are great in most of our eyes. 

When we become adults, the parental influence might be lesser in our lives. We start to form our judgment, and we gradually are independent from them financially, mentally, emotionally and physically. Yet the Lord commands us to continue to honor our parents. Our parents still have stories to tell us. Their life experiences still serve as great references for us when we make life decisions. Learn from their marriage, learn from the ways they raise children, learn from them how to handle finance, and learn from them how to manage the household. There will sure be something we can learn from them. We can still appreciate them as leaders and teachers.

   Many of us go after seminars to learn how to live a good life, how to be successful parents and how to maintain a happy marriage. If your parents are successful in these areas, learn from them and listen to their voice. They will feel greatly honored when their existence is valued and their experiences are appreciated. We shift from a mentality of total obedient as small kids to seek council of their wisdom and respect what they share with us.

The greatest tragedy of this age is the disconnection between the grown up children and their parents. The culture has shaped us to such extent that we emphasize so much on personal rights and privacy that we refuse to allow our parents to step in our lives once we are independent.

How about the time when our parents grow older and they are no more capable of providing for us, protecting us and guiding us? What if they are like the old mother mentioned in the beginning of the sermon, old and useless as many perceive she is? Children, this is the time we should honor them with our service and love. Did they hold your hands when you were young? Then learn to hold their hands when they are old. Did they wash your body when you were innocent? Then learn to clean their body if they could not do so. Did they embrace you when you are fearful? Do so if they need your hug and kisses. Take good care of them as how they took good care of us. Let them enjoy their second “infancy”.

Transitional sentence:

Guess what! When we honor our parents, God promises us His blessings.


(Exodus 20:12bNIV)….so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.

Surprised? This is the only commandment out of the Ten Commandments given which a statement of blessing is imposed on us. It shows two possibilities, either this commandment is highly valued by God above all other earthly moral duties of men, or it is the hardest to observe so that an incentive is needed to encourage men to fulfill their call as children.

God gives us allowance which we are not supposed to be entitled to. Honoring parents is our earthly duty and we should carry out even without any promised blessing. Yet God graciously bestows His extra blessing.

Transitional sentence:

His blessing comes first in the form of longevity in life and second the abundant life we enjoy on the land He gives to us.


The promise of God sounds logic to us. When I was young, I always heard parents calling their children “yao xiu gia” (a Hokkien dialect which means “short-lived child”). This happened when the child refuses to listen to the advice and admonition from his father or mother and insisted on continuing their own ways and doings.

I used to wonder why the adults curse their children in such a way. But as I ponder upon it, I start to appreciate the scolding which does not sound nice. It is indeed not difficult to understand the meaning and warning behind the scolding. Children who are wild and rebellious are the most dangerous ones who will head into troubles and expose their lives to various risks if they refuse to take heed of the parental guidance and advices.

Many children die in their early age because they have joint the gangster groups and fought their own death. Many children die when they are young because they are drug addicts or they lead a wanton life-style. They allow their fleshy desires to control them and ultimately bring destruction upon themselves. Many of them could have live longer if they were willing to come under the authority of their parents and honor their leadership in their lives. For the parents are able to signal to them dangers and keep their steps from evils and unrighteousness.  

When God promises us to live long, does it mean just a long life? There are definitely more than that.

Transitional sentence:

The long life we are to live is in the promised land of God, and so


(Deuteronomy 8:6-9 NIV) Observe the commands of the Lord your God, walking in his ways and revering him. 7 for the Lord your God is bringing you into a good land – a land with streams and pools of water, with springs flowing in the valleys and hills; 8 a land with wheat and barley, vines and fig three, pomegranates, olive oil and honey, 9 a land where bread will not be scarce and you will lack nothing; a land where the rocks are iron and you can dig copper out of the hills.

      Such is the descriptions of the land which the Lord promised them to live, and live for long life. It is a land that full of honey and milk. It will be a land which is abundant and fruitful. It will be a land where we shall suffer no lack and no fears. It is a blessed life to enjoy with our family members. It is a peaceful place we can share with our neighbors.

God is the Provider of all over the land He gives to us. He makes sure that the crops will be growing and the fruits will be tasty. He is in charge of the flowing of the waters and the pools of stream. He will supply all that we need as long as we live.

The Lord made it clear that as His people obey His commands and observes His ordinances, He will provide all these blessings abundantly. We have seen that when the people of God broke that commands of God, the land dried up and the crops produced no more. The history of Israel in the land of Canaan is a good lesson for us to learn and be warned. God’s promises come with an imperative. It is to honor our father and our mother and to enjoy with them the blessings God has in store for us.

Transition sentence:

The blessing is there for us to claim. We just need to trust and obey. 


Obey the Word of God. Honor your father and your mother, and live in the land of the Lord and be prosperous. We are created to be blessed, to be fruitful, to enjoy meaningful and intimate relationship with the family God has placed us in. The very first relationship we enjoy in the family is the relationship with our parents. Honor them, and receive His blessings.

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