Thursday, 19 June 2014

Homosexual Is Not Inborn

Mar2014,Theological Research Methods: "Homosexual Is Not Inborn"

The movement of homosexuality over recent decades has become more and more widespread, prevalent and aggressive since the outbreak of ‘Stonewall Rebellion” in 1969. Gays and lesbians all over the world are in alliances protesting, rising up to fight for their civil rights, i.e. their practices and relationships are to be equally recognized as common relationship practices in the society as a whole, and to strive for thier human rights to be accepted by the common laws and the moral standards of the Church and the public.
With an uprising of this movement, more and more countries have legislated the marital relationship existed between gay or lesbian couples to be lawful, either out of their concerns towrads humanitarism or an overwhelming pressure of entreatments received from the homosexual as well as pro-homosexual groups. Some churches have even compromised their biblical stands when they openly ordain gay or lesbian ministers and promote a biblical acknowledgment towards the practice of homosexuality. Majority of the public are enticed to believe in a lie proclaimed by the homosexual communities and some researchers that, ‘homosexuality is indeed an inborn nature and thus an irreversible sexual orientation’. This belief is intensified further in a postmodern world where people claim that there is absolutely no right or wrong in regard to one’s action with a vacance of moral absolutism.
Yet the truth is that, homosexuality is never an inborn nature, but an exact by-product of human’s sin and fall. This paper serves to argue against the mystery of ‘inborn’ theory, by looking into those scientific proofs gained from clinical studies, cultural phennomeno discovered throughout human history and Truth revealed by the Bible, to undress those taglines homosexuals have placed on themselves as disguises or coverages in order for them to enjoy ‘free exercises of God’s gift’, i.e., a sexual relationship that God allows only within a marriage life between a man and a woman. 
Homosexuality is a common term used to refer to certain type of sexual orientation (which is inclusive of heterosexual, bisexual and homosexual) that individuals have possessed towards their same gender, that individuals are attracted either physically (i.e. sexually) or emotionally, or both, not to an opposite sex, but to a same sex partner.  Homosexuals are usually classified by public as ‘gays’ for male homosexuals and ‘lesbians’ for female homosexuals, and they have called themselves ‘queer’, and created and developed for themselves a ‘homosexual theology’ which seeks to break the hegemonism of heterosexuality, and to gain a wide social recognition or acceptance towards ‘homosexuality’[1].
Researchers have been creating terms like uranianism, homogenic love, contrasexuality, homo-erotism, similsexualism, tribadism, sexual inversion, intersexuality, transexuality, third sex, and psychosexual hermaphroditism to describe homosexuality. It is widely recognized that homosexuality does comprise of either or both of these two components, ‘psychological’ and ‘behavioral’.[2] The overall conclusion of clinical studies indeed do not support an idea of ‘inborn’ theory for homosexual orientation, but throughout the years, efforts which have been working on ‘psychological issues’ in order to rectify ‘behavioral deviations’ have shown tremendous positive results, helping many ex-homosexuals to recover and to be restored to thier true gender and  identity.
A.        Clinical Studies Do Not Support an ‘Inborn’ Theory
Throughout centuries, researches have been carried out by both the pro-homosexual groups and the anti-homosexual groups trying to gain scientific and clinical data to prove the validity of their theories. An analysis of these arguments and evidences concludes that homosexual is indeed curable, and there is no concrete evidence showing any sign of it being a nature inborn and irreversible. 
1.         The Unsustainability of ‘Inborn’ Theory in Clinical Studies
The advancement of homosexual movement claiming their homosexual practices being ‘natural and inborn’ is greatly enhanced after 1974 with the decision of the American Psychological Association (APA) in removing homosexual as a symptom of mental disorder in the list of DSM, with a further recognition received by World Health Organization in 1990.
 APA’s decision was greatly supported as well as challenged by many subsequent researches and clinical studies. The reasons held by the oppositions towards this official view are varied, with some perceive the decision to be more politic than scientific as scientific studies on homosexuality only started many years after the decision was made and those subsequent studies have indeed affirmed the possibility of homosexuals to be converted to heterosexuals. Some argue that the voting was carried out under great pressure, and out of the 25,000 members of APA in 1973, only one third was participative in the voting with only 58% votes in favour of the said removal, of which the number of the voters was unable to be representative of the overall view of APA. Furthermore, those American doctors who refused to accept the stand of APA were absent in the meeting and a subsequent research found out that majority of the psychiatrists still believe that homosexual is truly a symptom of mentor disorder. Reports received by APA promoting homosexuality to be a healthy psychological act were mainly provided by the gays or lesbians, and their research methods were highly questionable and thus challenged by the academic world.[3]    
There are basically three schools that promote the idea of ‘homosexuality as an inborn nature’, with Bailey and Pillard’s research done on male twins, Hamer’s belief of genetic effect and Simon LeVay’s emphasis on brain structure. Yet these three schools are refuted because of their inabilities to provide sufficient evidences as well as satisfying samples or results.
J. Michael Bailey and Richard C. Pillard made their study on twin male homosexuals, and their work was published in 1991, with a statement specifies that, ‘Of the relatives whose sexual orientation could be rated, 52% (29/56) of monozygotic cotwins, 22% (12/54) of dizygotic cotwins, and 11% (6/57) of adoptive brothers were homosexual.’[4] It seems to imply that the high tendency of twins being homosexual is evidence for the inborn nature of sexual orientation. Yet a detailed study of the research method discovers that both of them had publicized on those magazines and newspapers which were pro-homosexuals, and in order to make this an persuasive tool advantageous to their practices and beliefs, only those homosexual twins would avail themselves to participate in this study and thus the study and research samples are considered to be biased and inconclusive.[5]
Another study conducted by Dean Hamer, a geneticist has published a paper suggesting an ‘existence of genes that influence homosexuality in males’, and presented evidences that suggested one of these genes may be associated with the Xq28 marker on the X chromosome.[6]  Stanton & Yarhouse2000claim that Hamer’s study has its limitations and problems, as many other study teams are yielding different experiential results, and Xq28 maker will only be found in certain group of male homosexuals and it does not constitute a necessary requirement for causes to homosexuality.[7]
               Simon LeVay, a British-American neuroscientist, published his work "A difference in hypothalamic structure between heterosexual and homosexual men" on ‘Science’ journal, stating that his finding ‘…indicates that INAH is dimorphic with sexual orientation, at least in men, and suggests that sexual orientation has a biological substrate.[8] Sandy Zetlan, a Ph.D. in Neurosciences, questions the validity of LeVay’s conclusion, giving reasons that LeVay was uncertain of the sexual and medical backgrounds of his studied subjects, and human brain itself is susceptible to changes through life experiences.[9] Moreover, LeVay’s methodology applied was questionable as he only examined 35 corpses, and this sample size is considered to be too small to form a research theory.[10]  
An article ‘The Adjustment of the Male Overt Homosexual’ written by Evelyn Hooker published in 1957 on ‘Journal of Projective Technique’ becomes the basis of people’s general opinion towards the homosexuality, where it is perceived as a healthy and normal human relationship.[11] Yet Wong has denied the reliability of the former’s research because Hooker refused to take samples from those gays or lesbians who had gone through psychological treatment.[12]

2.         Clinical Studies Prove Against ‘Inborn’ Theory
Nigel D. Pollock makes such a definite statement that, ‘While some biological factions may predispose individuals to a sexual preference, all the psychological and anthropological evidence suggests that sexuality is primarily culturally conditioned, and is not rigidly compartmentalized.’[13] His saying has rendered the inborn theory the least possible.
Robert Spitzer, who was one of the main psychiatrists promoting APA’s removal of homosexuality from its list of mental disorder in 1974, came out a study report in 2001 stating that ‘it is possible that some highly motivated individuals could successfully change their sexual orientation from homosexual to heterosexual[14]. And Dr. Joseph Nicolosi, an American clinical psychologist, founder and former president of ‘National Association for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH)’ points out a fact that the ‘unchangeable’ of sexual orientation which is assumed by homosexuals is a political conclusion rather than a scientific conclusion.[15]
In their book, ‘Love and Sex of Homosexuals’, the writers disagree with the claims that hormone and genetics are the main causes for homosexuality, by giving the evidences through illustrations provided, that neither removal of the testicles of a male nor removal of the ovariums of a female shall make them a gay or a lesbian, and it is clear to all that testicle and ovarium serve to be the sources of generating hormone for male and female respectively. The book further makes clear that, any injection of female’s hormone into a male’s body or male’s hormone into a female’s body do not in any sense make them homosexuals but rather shall increase their sexual desires. The endocrine tests or clinical examinations in recent medical studies do not propose any signs to prove that homosexuals are inborn.[16]   
For Christians, homosexuality is believed not to be inborn, but shaped by life experiences or even spirit attack, as many have experienced breakthroughs through prayer and have victory over spiritual warfare.[17] There are numerous testimonies shared by Christians all over the world how they have overcome their struggles as homosexuals and live up to the very design of God the Creator has for them. Jeanette Howard, the author for ‘Out of Egypt: Leaving Lesbianism Behind’, has realized herself that in order for her to be able to lead an obedient life that is in accordance to God’s intention and purpose, she has to come to term with the correct biblical perspective that homosexual is a sin committed against God.[18] Gays and lesbians have to acknowledge that it is sin that causes them to be indulged in such detestable practices which go against God’s Word, before they could possess full and true liberty in Christ.  
Other than Christians, clinical studies have shown that homosexuals are caused by one’s upbringing rather than inborn, and majority of the homosexuals have parents with broken relationship.[19] Statistics report that non-believers who have gone through proper counseling and psychological treatments have indeed been cured of their homosexuality, and have returned to a normal life of having their heterosexual relationship.  

B.        Cultural Studies Deny an ‘Inborn’ Argument
The American Psychological Association(APA) recognizes that one’s ‘sexual orientation also refers to a person’s sense of identity based on those attractions, related behaviors and membership in a community of others who share those attractions’.[20]
Thus it brings an implication to us that homosexuality, together with bisexuality, which were removed as stigma of mental illness in 1974 and which have been widely accepted as a normal practice and an alternate lifestyle for many young people nowadays, are not an inborn nature, but a psychological, environmental and cultural breed preference which we could trace from its development and trend in the history.
1.         History Suggests Homosexuality to be a Cultural Phenomenon
Homosexual is never a new issue which surfaces only in today’s world but history has proven that certain cultures do breed public recognition towards homosexuality, and homosexuality in return adds a layer of favor to some ethnic or national cultures in the course of history, especially among Greek and Roman where homosexual expressions were actively and widely engraved in their arts and sculptures. Greek was once famous for its sports and they valued the beauty of human body, and homosexuality was a practice openly and aggressively promoted in that society.[21]
CK Keener and Furnish, scholars who study the background of New Testament consider homosexuality, especially among males, to be more than a common accepted norm and practice in the social living of Greek and Roman world, but a love model highly honored by the great philosophers of their days.[22]
John Boswell, in his book ‘Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality’ reveals that ancient peoples tended to perceive that ‘men who loved other men would be more masculine than their heterosexual counterparts…men who loved men would emulate them and try to be like them, while men who loved women would become like women…’ and he illustrates Aristophane’s speech by saying that homosexuals were considered to be the finest boys and young men, and they were naturally the most manly in the percept of that society.[23] Thus it is this deep rooted belief and pursuit of strength and perfection that cause the permeation of homosexual practices in the Hellenistic era. He also gives examples of homosexual eroticism which were prevailed in Islamic Sufi literature, Persian poetry and fiction and ancient Chinese etc.[24]  
Pederasty, a homosexual relationship between an adult male and a pubescent or adolescent male is a common happening found in the Roman Catholic churches all over the world. Joel Mowbray points out that the problem lies with the closed environment that the priests are exposed to since they are trained during their very young age relating only to males, and they are gravely influenced by the homosexual culture permeated in the monastery, which caused them to be sexually attracted and aroused to the male youngsters.[25]
            It is thus evidential that under such circumstances the practice of homosexuality is accelerated and became a trend and popular practice in those particular eras. It breaks the ground held by homosexuals when they claim that their sexual orientation is inborn whilst history demonstrates for us a different phenomenon, i.e. homosexuality is a preferred lifestyle by some people when they exercise their own choices to live so.
2.         LGBT Movement Speaks of a Perverted Homosexual Agenda    
Homosexuals used to be a group under suppressed and people dared not disclose their homosexual identities in fear of being rejected by their community. But nowadays more and more gays and lesbians have boldly declared their sexual orientation and preferences, and exert their utmost efforts to advance the homosexual movement. The LGBT civil right movement started in 28 June 1969 with an incident known as ‘Stonewall Rebellion’, and the movement has ignited and sparked highly visible LGBT rights across America and Europe[26].  
The agenda of homosexual or LGBT movement has deviated from its primary purpose to protect the LGBT groups or homosexuals from unjust discriminations, and to serve as a voice for the oppressed who are considered to be marginalized by the general public. Nowadays, homosexual practice is a popular trend, and they purposely distort the image of the anti-homosexuals in order to gain more public support and empathy. They have portrayed themselves to be persecuted and mistreated and their ultimate aim is to ‘overthrow the hegemonism of heterosexuals’ and create for themselves a kingdom of homosexuals. Many legal acts were established to protect their rights and in some countries, anyone who is considered to be anti-homosexuals or in any way demonstrating a sense of discrimination towards homosexuals will be liable to grave penalty and judgment under the law. It is an organized cultural war declared to the order of nature that God has set forth in the universe.
It is obvious that homosexuals are loose in their sexual relations, and majority of them are promiscuous. A sampling report done by Bell and Weinberg shows that only 10% of the homosexuals have less tendency of promiscuity, while 28% of male homosexuals have more than 1000 sex partners throughout their entire lives. 83% of male homosexuals have more than 50 sex partners in their lifetimes, and out of these, 79% admitted that they have homosexual relations with strangers.[27] If homosexual is an inborn nature, there is a tendency that homosexuals will stick to their partners and seek for stability as this is the very basis need of human beings. Yet the fact does tell us that the practice of homosexuality is definitely a lifestyle which is greatly influenced by the culture and belief of our age.
C.        Biblical Truth Rejects an ‘Inborn’ Possibility
God is the Author of life, and His Word has rendered homosexuality to be unlawful and unnatural. We can see these perspectives against homosexuality both from the account of creation and some other scriptural passages in the OT and NT. It is because homosexual act does not fit in the design and ultimate purpose of God for mankind, and is never an inborn nature, that God specifically speaks against it.
1.         God’s Intention for Human Sexuality in the Creation Account
Creation account for mankind reveals to us God’s intentions for a proper and rightful sexual relation are to unite a husband and his wife as one flesh, and to enable them to recreate and reproduce so that their descendants shall subdue and fill the entire earth. Sexual union is how a man and a woman relates in a marriage, when God divided the woman from man by taking the rib out of him, and commands them again to join together as one flesh[28]. Homosexuality fails to fulfill both of these God’s mandates for mankind. Therefore it is impossible for God to contradict His word by allowing homosexuality to be ‘inborn’ that is, to be in line with His very nature.
Genesis 1:26-27 tells us that God creates man in His own image, and male and female He has created them. Thus man and woman before their fall reflect the full and perfect image of God. The creation of male and female resounds to us God’s nature of masculinity and femininity within Himself. It is an indication that God initiates His masculine power whereas all humans, be it males or females, exercise their feminine obedience in responding to God’s invitation[29].
Adam and Eve are designed to function and reflect man’s relationship to God and a loving relationship exists within a Triune God. Yet a homosexual is a lover of his/her own sex, and he/she desires to take rather than to give of himself/herself. Therefore his/her love which is characterized by taking without any receiver to give himself/herself[30] to, is not in accordance to the original design and purpose of God’s creation.
Instead, marriage institution that governs the sexual relationship between the husband and his wife, as stated in Genesis account, is a process of mutual ‘knowing’ about the other whom the Lord has blessed them to become one flesh through rightful and intimate sexual intercourse (Gen 2:24 & 4:1).    
Andrew Comiskey in his book, ‘Pursuing Sexual Wholeness’ asserts that Genesis account ‘affirms the need to take seriously our yearning not to be alone, to find another with whom we can recreate and procreate… It calls us to be reconciled to the opposite sex and in so doing to discover the uniqueness of our own sex.’[31] Since heterosexual, rather than homosexual is given in the creation order of God, it will be ridiculous to say homosexuality is by nature, God’s creation for mankind.
2.         Biblical Scriptures Condemn Homosexuality
Traditionally, it is recognized that there are altogether seven Bible passages that talk about homosexuality and God’s strict condemnation and judgment pronounce against this practice. The Biblical writers are unanimous in their voices speaking against homosexual acts as one of the practices which do not go in line with the purpose God has for mankind.
It is recorded in the Genesis 19 that God’s anger burnt against Sodom and Gomorrah because of the immorality that had prevailed over the cities, and the immorality did inclusive of homosexual sins. Genesis 19 relates the abominated acts of the people and the subsequent destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, with Genesis 18 God foretells Abraham of the great sin of the cities. Though homosexual theologians have tried to explain the passage differently by claiming that the cities were destroyed for its lack of hospitality which was considered to be a major offence towards biblical culture by then, the demand of the people did express their intention of ‘laying with the angels’, whom have appeared as males, and that speaks of their intention of sexual harassment towards the ‘same sex’.
Leviticus 18:22 forbids strictly the practice of ‘shakab’(to lie down to have sexual relations), which is homosexual act by saying that, ‘You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.’ Leviticus 20:13 states God’s penalty for homosexual behaviors, that, ‘If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.’  The word ‘toeyvah’ means detestable, abomination or enormous sin. It speaks more than ceremonial uncleanliness (which is acceptable to pagan world while intolerable by Hebrews) exclusively claimed by homosexual theologians but moral sin of rebelling against God, as the whole Bible reveals an unsevered connection between the nature of pagan worship and its practice of immorality (inclusive of male homosexuals). When explaining the definition of ‘moral holiness’, New International Encyclopedia of Bible Words says that ‘When Israel was set apart to God by God’s sovereign choice, both the ritual and moral aspects of obedience to God were essential in their life of holiness’.[32] Thus any sexual relationship which does not fall within a marital bond between a husband (male) and his wife (female) is considered to be unnatural (not in accordance to the nature and original design of God), and thus sinful and immoral.
Some have argued that since OT does not raise voice against the issue of lesbianism, therefore it is permissible to do so. Yet Charles W. Keysor has well explained in his book ‘What You Should Know About Homosexuality’, reasons for the omission of such prohibition are mainly due to the restricted opportunities that biblical women were exposed to contact and encounters outside their homes and they were expected to be diligent in child-bearing and raising up of their children at homes[33].
New Testament, especially in Paul’s epistles, makes a direct condemnation against any practices of homosexuality. In Romans 1:26-27 Paul makes clear to us that some who have denied God and suppressed His living Word indulged themselves in shameless and unnatural homosexual acts and brought upon themselves wrath and curse of God. Sexual deviation (from the nature to unnatural) itself is a punishment from abandoning God and His Truth, and homosexuals have experientially rebelled against God’s prescribed order both historically and theologically[34]
And he further emphasizes in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 that those men who practice homosexuality shall not inherit the Kingdom of God. In 1 Timothy 1:9-10, Paul counts homosexual as an act that contradicts to biblical sound doctrines. Jude 1:7 though claimed by homosexual theologians to be a bestiality act because angel is of ‘strange flesh/other flesh’ (‘sarkos heteras’), is nevertheless an illicit act which commits towards those of the ‘same sex’ (as explained above related to Gen 19).
It is clear to us that what God have rejected do not go in line with His nature, and it is futile for the homosexuals to try to justify that their practices are indeed conforming to the teachings of the Bible.

            Since science and medical studies could not prove that homosexuals are indeed an inborn nature of human beings, and the pro-homosexuality’s conclusions drawn by the clinical studies were questionable due to their misapplication of methodologies in sampling, it is thus futile for the homosexuals to try to argue from those clinical reports which seemed to be in favour of their position. Recent studies have proven that homosexuality is indeed reversible and recoverable.
            We witness how homosexual movement becomes an upheaval culture or trend which has captured many youngsters of these days. Reports show that the movement devises plans in such a way that bring in confusion to one’s own sexuality and identity, and the moral value of the young generation is severely distorted for many believe that homosexuality is just an alternative way of leading a normal lifestyle[35]. It threatens the sanctity of marriage as well as family institution which God has placed since the creation. It violates the natural law of the universe and thus is considered a perverted act rather than an inborn nature of human being.  
Homosexuality, like others sinful desires or practices of the human beings, are the fallen outcomes of man. Testimonies and statistics have shown that with proper acknowledgement of one’s own transgression against God, the Author of Life, and a strong determination that seeks to live a holy lifestyle, homosexuals are redeemed from their fallen state and be restored to their normal function as men and women in the eyes of God. The Church is the central of God’s purpose and she needs to stand firm upon the principles of the Word, and to defend the truth coupled with the evidences collected from the scientific and anthropological studies, to make right the claim that God has neither make homosexuality an inborn nature nor does He allow such practices.

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*             [1] Dorcas Wong, An Analysis and Interpretation of Homosexuality(同性恋之剖析与诠释) (Johor Bahru: People’s Book House Sdn. Bhd., 2006), 44. 
*              [2] Randall L. Sell, “How Do You Define ‘Sexual Orientation’”, Frontline, (accessed 28 Mar 2014)
                [3] Guan Qi-wen, and others, eds., Equal RightHegemonyIssues of Homosexuality (平权?霸权?审视同性恋议题) (Hong Kong: Cosmos Book Limited, 2005), 103-105.

*              [4] J. Michael Bailey, PhD and Richard C. Pillard, MD, “A Genetic Study of Male Sexual Orientation”, JAMA Psychiatry Vol 48, No.12(Dec 1991),

*              [5] Guan Qi-wen, Equal Right?Hegemony?Issues of Homosexuality, 53.
*              [6] Hamer DH, Hu S, Magnuson VL, Hu N, Pattatucci AM, "A linkage between DNA markers on the X chromosome and male sexual orientation", Science  Vol. 261, No.5119 (July 1993): 321–327; quoted in Guan Qi-wen, Equal Right?Hegemony?Issues of Homosexuality, 54.
*              [7] Guan Qi-wen, Equal RightHegemonyIssues of Homosexuality, 54.
                [8] LeVay S, Nonas E, “A difference in hypothalamic structure between homosexual and heterosexual men”, Science 253 (1991), 1034-1037; quoted in
*            [9] Sandy Zetlan, “LEVAY CRITIQUE: Neuroscience or Nonsense”
[10] ShuangFu Foundation, The Other End of Rainbow (彩虹的另一端) (Hong Kong: The Society for Truth and Light), 13.
[11] Evelyn Hooker, “The Adjustment of the Male Overt Homosexual”, Journal of Projective Technique, Vol.21(1957), 18-31; quoted in Guan Qi-wen, Equal RightHegemonyIssues of Homosexuality, 106.
[12] Guan Qi-wen, Equal RightHegemonyIssues of Homosexuality, 107.
[13] Nigel D. Pollock, The Relationships Revolution (Leicester: Inter-Varsity Press, 1998), 133.
[14] Robert Spitzer, “Can some Gay Men & Lesbians Change Their Sexual Orientation? 200 Participants Reporting a Change from Homosexual to Heterosexual Orientation”, Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 32, No. 5, (October 2003), 403–417,
[15] Guan Qi-wen, Equal Right?Hegemony?Issues of Homosexuality, 21.
[16] Peng Huai-zhen, ed., Love and Sex of Homosexuals (Taipei: Dongcha Publisher, 1987), 118-120.
[17] Michael R. Saia, Counseling the Homosexual (Minnesota: Bethany House Publishers, 1977), 158.
[18] Jeanette Howard, Out of Egypt: Leaving Lesbianism Behind (Tunbridge Wells: Monarch Publications Ltd., 1991), 21.
[19] Guan Qi-wen, Equal Right?Hegemony?Issues of Homosexuality, 126.
*              [20] “Sexual Orientation & Homosexuality: Answers to Your Questions For a Better Understanding”, American Psychological Association, 10 Feb 2014).
[21] Peng, ed., Love and Sex of Homosexuals, 2.
*              [22] Furnish, The Moral Teaching of Paul(Nashville:Abingdon Press, 1979), 52-83 and C.S. Keener, ‘Adultery, Divorce, section 3.6’ in Dictionary of New Testament Background (Downers Grove: Inter-Varsity Press, 2000); quoted in Wong, An Analysis and Interpretation of Homosexuality, 95.
[23] John Boswell, Christianity, Social Tolerance and Homosexuality (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1980), 24.
*              [24] Ibid, 27.
[25] Alan Sears & Craig Osten, The Homosexual Agenda: Exposing the Principle Threat to Religious Freedom Today, trans. Youngman Chan (Hong Kong: The Society for Truth and Light, 2009), 152.
[26] STONEWALL, the lesbian, gay and bisexual charity, 11 Feb 2014).
[27] Guan Qi-wen, Equal Right?Hegemony?Issues of Homosexuality, 114.
*              [28] Ed Wheat, M.D. and Gaye Wheat, Intended for Pleasure (Old Tappan: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1977), 21.
[29] Mario Bergner, Setting Love in Order (Crowborough: Monarch Publications, 1995), 60-61.
[30] Ibid, 114.
[31] Andrew Comiskey, Pursuing Sexual Wholeness (Eastbourne: Monarch Publications Ltd., 1989), 42.
*              [32] Lawrence O. Richards, “Moral Holiness,” in New International Encyclopedia of Bible Words (Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1991), 340.
[33] Charles W. Keysor, What You Should Know About Homosexuality (Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1980), 63.
*              [34] Frank E. Gaebelein, ed., The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, vol 10, Romans, by Everett F. Harrison (Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1976), 25.
*              [35] Tom Smail, Andrew Walker and Nigel Wright, Charismatic Renewal: The Search for a Theology (London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1993), 15.

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