Tuesday, 19 June 2012


(Mar 2012 -  "The Church & the Last Things": Reading Report)

1. 简介

艾利克森(Millard J. Erickson)所著,由蔡万生翻译的《基督教神学-卷三》共分四大部分,分别详尽地探讨了圣灵论,救恩论,教会论和末世论。其中我学习了两道最重要的功课,就是关系到洗礼和末世论的作用。

2. 两道功课: 洗礼与末世论


2.1    洗礼(水洗仪式)





2.2    末世论




3. 结论



(Mar 2012: "The Church & the Last Things": Reading report)

1. 简介

William W. Menzies Stanley M. Horton所著《基要真理》最后关于教会和末世论的部分,提到了“教会及其使命”,“职事”,“神的医治”,“有福的盼望”,“基督作王一千年”,“最后审判”和“新天新地”。我学习到其中最重要的两道功课,就是作者提出的两大关于教会和个别信徒在事奉上所必需要具备的正确取向。教会和信徒当以主的心思和意念成为行事的方针目标。

2. 两道功课:关于教会与信徒


2.1    教会与活动




2.2. 信徒与职事





3. 结论



(Mar 2012 - "The Church & The Last Things": Article Critic: Veli-Matti-Kärkkäinen, Ecclesiology –Ecumenical, Historical & Global Perspectives. Downers Grove: IVP, 2002, Chapter 14)

作者重述纽比真所提出的“宣教教会论”中三道要点:(一)教会是宣教性的; (二)教会是合一性的;以及(三)教会是动态性的。














我本身非常同意作者的论点,就是过分强调圣灵的自由带来危险。我也非常相信若教会过于注重圣礼,就会流于形式而没有看重圣灵的工作。但是两者之间一定要取得平衡。Derek Prince说得最好,“你若有神的道却无圣灵,你就会枯干。你若有圣灵没有神的道,你就会自我膨胀。你若有了神的道,又有神的灵,就会成长。”教会的圣礼,教会所宣讲的道,教会的圣灵运行,都为着单一的目的,为要高举死里复活,赦免人罪,使人得救的基督的名。教会若达成这方面的共识,那么圣礼,神的道和圣灵,都不过是为着彰显基督。教会也不难在合一上前进了。真正的合一,是承认基督为主,并且按神给的恩膏,权柄和使命,做主要教会做的事。





The Incarnation of Jesus

(Mar 2011 - "Book of John": - Report)


(I) In term of “Revelation”

     Jesus came to reveal the image of God and to save the sinners from the eternal judgment. The purpose of Jesus’ incarnation is revealed both in his teachings and his deeds. In the book of John, he is revealed as someone from above, of heavenly being and possesses authority equal to God the Father, yet functions subordinately to Him. Jesus is

(a)   Revealed as “Word” incarnated
     In John 1 Jesus is said to be the Word that was with God in the beginning, incarnated as man and dwelt on earth among his disciples. He is the one grace and truth comes through and greater than Moses whom the Law was given. Through Him, the invisible God is made visible, and the Law is reinterpreted from His perspective of grace and mercy.
     Jesus had lived as any historical man on earth going through sufferings and temptations as men went through. Yet he did not sin, lived as truth and light and called his disciples to follow him likewise. With Jesus as Word incarnated living as real man and conquered the darkness and sin, his followers shall have the power to overcome sins and darkness.

(b)   Revealed as “The Son”
     John refers Jesus as “the Son” of God (Jn 1:14) which was witnessed by John the Baptist (Jn 1:34), and many times acknowledged by Jesus himself. Jesus is the “monogenēs” or “one and only Son” from the heavenly Father. It speaks of “one-of-a-kind” son like Isaac being the promised son for Abraham. He is the Messiah promised with redemptive mission from God and the savior the Jews were waiting for. He is the only way for the world to go to the Father (Jn 14:6). John 3:16 states that those who believe in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. We are confident of approaching God’s throne through Jesus dying on the Cross and offering eternal life for those choosing to put our trust in Him. He was referred as “Son of man” too etc.

(II) In term of Salvation
     Throughout the book of John, Jesus seems to be eager to reveal his heavenly identity through the “I AM” series of statement. In John 8:58 he speaks of himself as “I AM” before Abraham, expressing his self-existence and pre-existence before all creations. In John 6:41 he reveals himself as “I AM” the bread from heaven, and John 6:48 as “I AM” the bread of life. In John 9:5 he is “I AM” the light of the world, and in John 11:25 as “”I AM” the resurrection and the life etc. He reveals his sovereignty, his deity, his mission for salvation purpose and his eternality and with self-revelatory statements He speaks for himself who he is.
     Through the “I AM” revelatory statement, Jesus fulfills His role in the redemptive plan of the Father for a sinning world through some of the signs associated with the miracles he had performed during some of the Judaism Festivals.
(a)   The Passover Symbolism
     Jesus as the “Passover Lamb” of God: John might be thinking of Jesus as the lamb led to the slaughter (Isa 53:7) or as the apocalyptic warrior lamb who would bring judgment (Rev5). Thus he speaks of Jesus’ function as the OT lamb of Passover offered as a sacrifice and the blood covers the sins of many. He will return in universal triumph with judgment for the world.
     Believers have hope being received into His Kingdom through His sacrificial blood and the eternality to live in Him. With Jesus we have passed the judgment of eternal death and condemnation and enjoy a righteous hope for the future.
     Jesus as the “New Temple”: The temple of Jerusalem had been contaminated and the system was corrupted with all kinds of dealings happened in it. Jesus in a rage cleared the temple and proclaimed the destruction of a “dead” religious system of Judaism, promised of a new body of Christ to be birthed and established (Jn 2:14-22).
     To us the new temple tells about Jesus being a new center of worship for those who come to Him. With him as the new temple, the spiritual body of God will be established among the messianic community who worship God in truth and in Spirit (Jn 21-24).
     Jesus as the “Bread of life”: The OT manna being the food supplied for the Israelites during the wilderness is replaced by Jesus the bread from heaven. He teaches his disciples bringing them to a new era of grace. Jesus clearly says that those who eat of his flesh (the bread) will never be hungry again and will have life of eternal. (Jn 6: 35, 48-51)
     As we partake of Jesus symbolized by communion’s bread breaking, it reminds us of the eternal life that He has given to us, and the satisfaction one can find in Jesus.
(b)   The Tabernacles Symbolism
     In John 7 & 8, Jesus’ teachings during the Festival of Tabernacle remind us that He is the eschatological hope for us in continual supply of water and light. Jesus promises the stream of living water, which is the blessings of the Spirit that the disciples were to receive (Jn 7:37-39) and the light of life that keeps the disciples from the darkness, which is the Word that testifies for Him and liberates the believers with the truth of God (Jn 8:31-32).
     We have the future hope in us with the given Spirit and the Word to keep us from darkness and illuminate us in His light. There is promise of great joy in the Spirit of God and the great liberty in His Word.
(c)    The Temple Dedication Symbolism
     Jesus as the “New Liberation”: It is related to the Festival of Temple Dedication (Jnn 11:21-22) celebrating the restoration of the Jerusalem temple which was once defiled by the Greeks. Through the redemption of Jesus work on the Cross, we are cleansed as offered as a new temple dedicated to God.

The Prodigal Sons

(Mar 2012- "The Parables of Jesus": Group presentation with Elizabeth Yik, Chaw Yuan, Ezra Chan & Esther Chia )


       The opening sentences (15:1-2) of the three parables set the framework for understanding the three parables by setting out a scene of controversial arguments of Pharisees and scribes over Jesus’ welcoming of sinners and eating with them (v 1-3). Jesus responses not in accordance with the teachings found in Torah or halakic but with a powerful verbal defense in the form of a tightly knitted sequence of four Parables (where three are found in Luke 15): the Lost Sheep (v4-7), the Lost Coin (v 8-10) and the Lost Son (v11-32).[1]

       It is noteworthy that the beginning and end of the passage constitute an “inclusio”, with the elder son’s complaint about his father’s hospitality to the prodigal (v 28-30) echoing the opening complaint of the Pharisees and scribes about the hospitality of Jesus to “sinners” (v1-2). Thus, a contrast was drawn between two paired groups: “all the tax-collectors and sinners” who drew near to hear Jesus’ teaching and the presence of the Pharisees and scribes who were there not to hear but to “murmur”.[2] Their complaints (15:2) are repetition of complaints made by them against Jesus at the outset of his ministry, when he called the tax collector Levi to follow Him (Luke 5:27-30).

       The features which highlight the essential unity of the three parables, are:[3] (a)  Sharing of common theme: “God’s delight in a sinners repentance (v7,10,24,32);  (b) Sharing of same words/phrases, , for example, “repentance” (v 7, 10,18),joy/rejoice/make merry (v 5-7, 9-10,23-24, 32), and because of the lost is found (v 6, 9, 24,32); (c) Sharing of similar or common structure:  Lost à found/recovery à celebrate à concluding lesson.


       The parable of the Prodigal Son in 15:11-32 was depicted by F. Sommer as “The greatest short story ever told” and, by (J.E. Compton) as “the greatest of all Jesus’ parables”.[4]

       The story starts with “a man has two sons”, and presents to its readers through two interesting episodes of parallel but contrasting parts. This session of the paper will look at both these parallel but contrasting parts of the story in order to draw out some important truths applied in the story.


       A brief summary of the two parallel parts:[5]  The first speaks about the lost younger son (v 11-24) and the second speaks about the elder son who seems equally lost (v 25-32) as his younger brother. The family suffered unnecessary separation when the younger son left home with his portion of inheritance and when the elder son refused to come home for reunion feast upon the return of his younger brother. The father in each part has the final authoritative word (v 23-24; 31-32), which is concerning the appropriate response to the recovery of the younger brother.[6]

A. The first contrasting part: the father and the younger son

       The younger son wants to strike out on his own and asks his father to give him his share of inheritance. He then spends his money in loose living and ends up in poverty. Then he comes to senses and resolves to return home, hoping to be received as a servant.[7] The father welcomes him, and most surprisingly, restores his sonship and calls for a feast.

B. The second contrasting part: the father and the elder son

       The second episode starts with the elder son coming from the field to the house of his father. The elder son was in the “field” which attributes to a location of performance. Knowing that the lost and found younger brother has come home, and a celebration feast is prepared for him, the elder son refuses to go in to share in the feast (v28). The father then attempts to entreat him and uses a message in order to demonstrate his love for the elder son. However, the elder son concerns only about his obedience and many years of loyalty to the father which seems to yield him no reward as compared to his younger brother (v. 29).


       It seems like each part has its own hero. However, our conviction is that, in each contrasting and yet parallel episode, the central hero of the parable is the father.

       The first episode starts with a father with two sons. With the departure of the younger son, he leaves with only one son. The first episode ends with the younger son coming back to his father’s house, yet seeing himself not as a son but rather as a servant. The father welcomes him by reestablishing his position as the son and calls for the preparation of a feast of rejoicing. The father is therefore the hero” or “central” character in this first setting.[8]

       In the case of the second episode, the hero is clearly the father who goes out to try to convince the elder son to come in to join the feast. We do not know if he is successful in persuading his elder son, but he sees the elder son as always with him and having all that he has.


       The parable contrasts two seemingly different sons who indeed share the same distorted view about their sonship position. Both need a meaningful relationship with their father. The obedient elder son is just as lost as his younger brother, but in different ways.[9]

       We found at least 3 common approaches which suggest different emphases in interpreting this parable:

A. Focusing on the role of the younger son
       The parable’s traditional title “The Prodigal Son” suggests that the main purpose of the narrative is to encourage all sinners to repent[10], regardless of the extent to which they may have degraded themselves.[11] True repentance brings about spiritual or physical resurrection, restoration and reconciliation, through an awareness of one’s actual condition and confession of one’s sins.

       The awareness of sin and accepting of his personal responsibility marks the beginning of the return of prodigal son to his father.[12] First there is an awakening of one’s true condition, with a recognition and repudiation of the lie and an awakening to reality.[13] Then comes an honest confession of one’s sin. Finally, is an actual return to the father[14].  His original plan is to return home as a servant yet his father runs out to him, welcomes him warmly and restores his sonship.

       From the parable of the prodigal son, we learn that repentance means learning to say Abba[15] again, putting one’s whole trust in the father, returning to the father’s house and the father’s arms. Among the prophets repentance often meant “to go back again” or “to return”. This parable shows not only the kind of repentance our heavenly Father responds to but also the way our heavenly Father responds to repentance.[16] Since a straying sheep would often lie down helpless and refuse to stand up, it was necessary for the overjoyed shepherd to lift him to his strong shoulders for the return. Repentance hence is not merely a human agency but is itself aided by divine involvement.[17]

       The very essence of Jesus’ ministry and mission can be seen in his determined association with sinners from his baptism to his crucifixion between thieves.[18] The parable explains Jesus’ ministry to sinners and exposes the legalistic hardness of his critics, but more it is a proclamation to his entire audience that the God the Father opens his heart to even the greatest sinners.[19]

B. Focusing on the role of the elder son

       A. M. Hunter once said: “If the younger son was lost in the “far country”; the elder was equally lost behind a barricade of self-righteousness.[20]

       The word elder in Greek (presbyteros) is the same word used as a title for the elders of the people, mentioned usually in connection with the scribes.[21] The self-righteousness, the pride, the jealousy of the elder brother represents, in its most distinctive features, the character of the Jewish people and their leaders in the beginning of the Gospel.[22] The elder son comes not as a humble prospective hired hand but as an arrogant elder brother who willfully remains outside, and refuses to eat and rejoice with his father and brother.[23] Thus the elder son represents the scribes, the Pharisees and the self-righteous leaders, as this parable grew out of an attack the self-righteous leaders of the day made on Jesus’ ministry.[24]

       Just like the elder son fails his role of taking care of the household’s business which includes the welfare of his younger brother, the Pharisees failed to relate their role to the nature and purpose of God and could even attack Jesus as irreligious for caring for the lost.[25] If the emphasis of the parable is to rebuke the hardhearted older brother, it is also to rebuke those who are self-righteous in God’s kingdom and to invite them to rejoice in the salvation of others.[26] The original audience (the Pharisees and scribes) would have known the character much well, as it resembles them in some ways.

       However, Dan Otto suggests that the older son’s resentment over the fact that his wayward brother has been royally welcomed home while his own consistent obedience has not been rewarded with merrymaking is due to his misunderstanding about the idea of obedience. For him, the younger brother is depraved, whereas he is a faithful servant (master-servant relationship) to his father without breaking any commandment. His relationship with his father was based on merit and reward rather of a deeply personal relationship (father-son relationship).

       While the elder son sees himself as a faithful servant, the father sees him as a companion and co-owner of the field and the son is having everything the father has.[27] Thus, Jesus refers to the people in God’s kingdom, who observe a holy living and are committed to the house and things of the Father yet they have ministered out of a “servant’s heart” instead of a son’s heart.

C. Focusing on the role of the father

       One of the most common approaches as suggested by scholars is concentrating on the role of the father as one who unites both episodes of the parable. If the father is the central character of the narrative, then the theme of the parable is revealed in the father’s amazing grace and extraordinary love for his two sons.[28]  

       In both episodes, we see the father as the one who goes out to his “lost sons”. Thus it portrays the love of God as a loving father, the One who draws near to the lost or sinners. Those who repent will be reconciled to him and received by him unconditionally. God’s forgiveness is grounded on His divine grace and love and sustained by ongoing practices of repentance, forgiveness, and reconciliation.  

3.0        CONCLUSION

       There is a close correlation between the prodigal and the tax collectors and sinners, with whom Jesus was criticized for associating with, and between the elder brother and the Pharisees and scribes who leveled that criticism, and between the father of the two sons and our heavenly Father, who is compassionate, forgiving and loving.[29]

       The metaphor for the kingdom is signified by the father’s coming out, both for the younger son and for the elder son. The parable radically rejects Israel’s self-understanding of himself as the favoured, elder son.[30] All the excesses of the prodigal son will not shut him out of heaven when he comes repenting to the father; and all the virtues of the elder brother will not let him into heaven, for he cherishes pride in his heart, and taunted his father for overvaluing his worth.[31]

       The parable functions as metaphor of God’s love. Jesus used an extraordinary story to illustrate God’s amazing patience and love for his ungrateful children. Therefore the parable reflects God’s divine grace and love. In His compassion He forgives sinners. He delights in the repentance of the prodigals and He cherishes the faithfulness of those who obey his will without despising the rebellious who have repented.[32]

       This paper hence concludes the parable with its thematic meaning expressed by the father both at the end of the prodigal’s and the elder brother’s episode: the lost has been found; he who is dead is alive. The invitation remains open for all who hear or read this parable and are willing to respond to and rejoice over the loving grace of God.
(Script By Elizabeth Yik)


Arnot, William. The Parables of Our Lord. Dodo Press, 1874.

Bailey, Kenneth E. The Cross & the Produgal: Luke 15 Through the Eyes of Middle Eastern
     Peasants. Illinois: InterVarsity Press, 2005.

Barclay, William. And Jesus Said: A Handbook on the Parables of Jesus. Philadelphia: The
     Westminster Press, 1970.

Blomberg, Craig L. Interpreting the Parables. Leicester: Apollos, 1990.

Blomberg, Craig L. Preaching the Parables.Michigan: Baker Academic, 2004.

Boice, James Montgomery, The Parables of Jesus. Chicago: Moody Press, 1983.

Capon, Robert Farrar. The Parables of Grace. Grand Rapids: William & Eerdmans
     Publishing Co., 1988.

Ford, Richard Q. The Parables of Jesus. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1997.

Jones, Peter Rhea. The Teaching of the Parables. Nashville: Broadman Press, 1982.

Longenecker, Richard N. The Challenge of Jesus’ Parables. Grand Rapids:William B.
     Eerdmans Publishing, 2000.

Patte, Daniel. Structural analysis of the parable of the prodigal son: Toward a method.
     Oregon: Pickwick Publications, 1976.

Scott, Bernard Brandon, Hear Then the Parable. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1990.

S. J, John & Donahre. The Gospel in Parable. Fortress Press, 1990.

Thielicke, Helmut. The Waiting Father. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1959.

Via, Dan Otto, Jr. The Parables: Their Literary and Existential Dimension, Oregon: Pickwick
     Publications, 2006.

Wenham, David. The Parables of Jesus. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1989.

Young, Brad H. The Parables: Jewish Tradition and Christian Interpretation. Massachusetts:
     Hendrickson Publishers, 2002.

         [1] Richard N Longenecker, The Challenge of Jesus’ Parables (Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing, 2000), 202.
         [2] Longenecker, The Challenge of Jesus’ Parables, 201-202.
         [3] Ibid, 201-202.
         [4] John & Donahre, S.J , The Gospel in Parable (Fortress Press, 1990), 151.
         [5] Longenecker, The Challenge of Jesus’ Parables, 209.
         [6] Daniel Patte, Structural analysis of the parable of the prodigal son: Toward a method, (Oregon: Pickwick Publications, 1976), 76.
         [7] Patte, Structural analysis of the parable of the prodigal son: Toward a method, 76.
         [8] Dan Otto Via, Jr., The Parables: Their Literary and Existential Dimension, (Oregon: Pickwick Publications, 2006), 165.
[9] Brad H. Young , The Parables: Jewish Tradition and Christian Interpretation (Massachusetts: Hendrickson Publishers, 2002), 137-140.
         [10] Via, Jr, The Parables: Their Literary and Existential Dimension, 165-167.
         [11] Craig L. Blomberg, Interpreting the Parables (Leicester: Apollos, 1990), 172.
         [12] Donahre, The Gospel in Parable, 154-155.
         [13] James Montgomery Boice, The Parables of Jesus (Chicago: Moody Press, 1983), 51-54.
         [14] Boice, The Parables of Jesus,55
         [15] Helmut Thielicke, The Waiting Father (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1959), 34.
         [16] Peter Rhea Jones, The Teaching of the Parables (Nashville: Broadman Press, 1982), 181-182.
         [17] Jones, The Teaching of the Parables, 171-172.
         [18] Ibid, 170.
         [19] Ibid, 179.
         [20] Ibid, 179-184.
         [21] Kenneth E. Bailey, The Cross & the Produgal: Luke 15 Through the Eyes of Middle Eastern Peasants (Illinois: InterVarsity Press, 2005), 78.
         [22] Rev. William Arnot, The Parables of Our Lord (Dodo Press, 1874), 315.
         [23] Bernard Brandon Scott, Hear Then the Parable (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1990), 120
         [24] Boice, The Parables of Jesus, 49
         [25] Jones, The Teaching of the Parables, 173.
         [26] Blomberg, Interpreting the Parables, 172.
         [27] Scott, Hear Then the Parable, 121
         [28] Blomberg, Interpreting the Parables, 173.
         [29] Ibid, 172.
         [30] Scott, Hear Then the Parable, 125.
         [31] Arnot , The Parables of Our Lord, 317
         [32] Blomberg, Interpreting the Parables, 175-179.